Sustainability and CSR flow in our DNA

Our corporate strategy, as well of most of our best sustainable practices are born from the set of values of our company founder Bernard Forey, who has always put innovation, team empowerment and inclusive performance at the centre of his priorities. Considered as a pioneer in sustainable development, Bernard Forey was rewarded more than 40 years ago by the French “Legion of Honor” for his achievements and for implementing outstanding fair practices and employee wellness programs in Asia.

In turn, our company CEO Dr. Jacques Marcille has received in 2022 the Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (Responsible Business Leadership Category) for his outstanding dedication and perseverance to championing and promoting responsible entrepreneurship.

Our team shares the ideals inherited from them. Our shared values of Excellence, Innovation, Sustainability and Sharing are at the heart of our company’s achievements and inclusive performance.

10 Years+ of Creating Sustainable Impact in Cambodia

Since the launch of our company in 2013, many concrete results have been achieved in terms of: innovation; value creation; quality, leadership; customer loyalty; corporate governance and fair operating practices; environmental protection; reduction of our environmental footprint; employee wellbeing; fair remuneration and internal mobility; diversity and inclusion; social empowerment; local and community development.

We will continue to focus on challenging our current best practices, for a larger and deeper impact. We indeed make our commitments evolve to continuously make the difference in numerous fields, taking into account the three fundamental pillars of sustainable development.

Eau Kulen Best Practice Implementation

Reforestation & Resource Protection

Part of our environmentally sensitive business practices and long-term sustainable strategy, we have launched in 2018 an ambitious program of reforestation, resource and land protection in the region of the Kulen Mountains, where our historic bottling plant is located.

In partnership with the Archaeology & Development Foundation (ADF), this program (the first of its kind in Cambodia) combines the reintroduction of endemic endangered species of trees and a concrete environment-awareness program designed for the young generations of the Kulen Mountains.

Green Energy Transition & Carbon Footprint Reduction

In 2022, our company has taken another step forward in terms of carbon footprint reduction with the implementation of a first innovative hybrid solar power plant (650 kWp ground-mounted solar system connected to an 896 kWh battery system), among the first of its kind in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

This first solar plant, designed and powered by TotalEnergies for our historic bottling plant has allowed us to reduce significantly our greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel consumption.

Eau Kulen Green Transition
Eau Kulen Recycle


At Kulara Water, we value the importance of recycling and of the necessary management of all waste through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse (Sustainable Development Goal No. 12: Responsible consumption and production).

Our Eau Kulen Natural Mineral Water is available in PET (polyethylene terephthalate) packaging, which is light, strong and safe. This unique packaging guarantees the optimum preservation of our premium water and prevents any forms of external contamination. PET has also many benefits and performs a lower environmental impact over other common alternatives such as glass and aluminum.

Team Empowerment

Our team plays a key role in our overall strategy to success, which is built on the essential principles of team spirit, empowerment and mutual respect. Since the launch of our company in 2013, we have created a unique corporate culture where our employees feel dedicated to their role with a true opportunity to develop themselves, both at a professional and personal level.

We have also created a work environment that consistently leads to high-quality results, with a strong focus on talent acquisition and retention, skills development, fair wages and a right balance between levels of responsibilities and career advancement, seniority and annual bonuses.

Community Development & Sponsorship Programs

As we’re strongly committed to contributing to the social and economic development of the Kingdom of Cambodia, we regularly sponsor many leading causes, in agreement with our core values. Since the launch of our company, we have supported several leading organizations, NGOs and events, such as the Cambodia Red Cross, Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (PSE), the Royal Ballet of Cambodia, the Angkor Ultra Trail, the École d’Hôtellerie et de Tourisme Paul Dubrule, the AEFC, Water for All, the Pasteur Institute, the Airavata Elephant Foundation…

10 Years+ of Creating Sustainable Impact

in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Sustainable Jobs, Diversity & Inclusion


Total number of
direct employees

0 %


0 %


100 %

Staff turnover

Total Employee Impact

0 +

(Total sustainable jobs supported, including our partner’s team dedicated to the sales and distribution of our products)

Our Main Focus

Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

Sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructures
Manufacturing value and access to market
Job-Creation and Contribution to the country’s GDP
Carbon footprint reduction
Economic development and human well-being

Responsible Consumption and Production

Responsible Consumption & Production

Sustainable production and consumption
Sustainable management of natural resources
Sustainable lifestyles
Waste Management & Recycling
Sustainability reports

Decent Work Economic Growth

Decent work & Economic Growth

Productive employment, sustainable jobs and fair wages
Employee well-being, internal mobility and employability
Promotion of safe working environments
Skills development and Lifelong learning opportunities
Inclusive and sustainable economic growth for all

Partnership for Goals

Partnerships for the Goals

Multi-stakeholder partnerships for greater impacts
Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development
Knowledge sharing and cooperation

Clean Water & Sanitation

Integrated water resources management
Ecosystems protection
Wastewater treatment

Good Health and Well Being

Good Health & Well-being

Promotion of healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages
Employees health coverage
Equitable access to healthcare services

Quality Education

Quality Education

Access to Education and Learning opportunities
Education for Global citizenship and Cultural diversity

Clean Energy

Clean Energy

Green energy transition and carbon footprint reduction
Renewable energy efficiency

Life on Land

Life on Land

Ecosystems protection
Biodiversity and natural habitats restoration
Sustainable land management

Climate Action

Climate Action

Resource efficiency and Carbon footprint reduction
Risk reduction policies and strategies
Education programs on climate change

Our Integrated Approach in Line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

At Kulara Water, we consider our global ecosystem and its economic, social and environmental challenges as an integral and indivisible whole, calling for bold commitments and innovative ideas at all levels.

We also believe that our unrelenting growth and unique recognition have a great potential to inspire positive change in the business value chain, for greater development opportunities for all and a better inclusive performance. Our commitment to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) meets spontaneously numerous targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN for 2030.

Eau Kulen, Proud Sponsor of the 32nd SEA Games and of the 12th ASEAN Para Games 2023